Deadlines to apply for schools in USA

Education System in U.S. Schools

Education in the United States is very diverse, so everyone can choose an individual path for themselves to master knowledge. Each country and each nation has its own value system, with traditions passed down from generation to generation. There are also devices that are placed on the heads of children from an early age. For example, from birth, a Jewish baby is told by his parents that he is the smartest and that he can do anything. Perhaps this is why this country has so many brilliant scientists and the latest discoveries.

In an American family, a child learns from an early age that he always has a choice in life. Not everyone can become a famous physicist or chemist, but you can always find many other exciting activities. In the United States, social status and well-being do not depend on the type of activity or your career, but on success in the field. There is no shame in being a simple auto mechanic if you get the job done at the highest level and have an array of clients lined up for you.

The American education system is set up for this purpose. Already within the walls of the school, the child can choose for himself the course he likes best. The only thing left is the requirement to always graduate from several types of schools, which will be discussed below.

Schools do not have rigid groups or classes, students are called students and have the right to choose courses that correspond to their preferences and ambitions in life.

Each course is assessed by a certain number of points, which is called credit here. In order to move to the next school or enter another educational institution, you will need to collect even a minimum amount of credits. There are special college preparatory courses, but you must have "individual credits" to qualify for them. Most children consciously choose the courses they take for themselves and thus choose their path to the future.

Benefits of an American Education

The United States places great importance on the development of educational infrastructure. The country has a wide range of educational institutions with different orientations and its doors are open to foreign students. Let us name the main advantages of an American education.

Unlimited options in the field of education

  • Study at the most prestigious universities with the world's leading experts

  • Flexibility of educational policies

  • The opportunity to acquire a wide range of practical skills in the chosen field

American educational institutions are structuring the educational process exactly in accordance with the latest trends in science and business technologies. Thanks to this approach, after studying in the USA, any college or university graduate has unique knowledge and practical skills that will enable him to find a job in the most prestigious companies. The American diploma is recognized in all corners of the world, opening up unlimited opportunities for self-fulfillment.

Deadlines for applying to U.S. schools.

The process of getting into a U.S. school can take anywhere from a few months to a year. And the earlier you start preparing, the better. To find out exactly how much time it will take, note the deadlines for submitting documents at the educational institution of your choice. Sometimes the acceptance of documents ends as early as 10 months before the start of the school year, and you will still need to pass the language proficiency exam and be prepared.

If you have chosen a competitive school, you will need to start preparing for admission even earlier. You will need letters of recommendation from teachers, your personal motivation letter, document translations, and passing the IELTS or TOEFL exams.

It is best to set a schedule of necessary things and follow it strictly. For example.

  • Choose a school that suits your needs one year before the deadline.

  • Start preparing for international exams.

  • Within six months, you pass the exam and receive your certificate. If the results are not satisfactory, you can retake the exam.

  • Determine the choice of educational institution and prepare the documents as required.

  • Send the documents by the published deadline.

What documents is needed to submit to apply to a U.S. school?

So, you have decided that your child will study in the USA, then the question about the list of required documents will naturally arise. In principle, the paperwork to be submitted to the school should not cause any special difficulties - the standard list includes

  • Copy of passport

  • Certificate of language proficiency

  • School transcripts with grades from the last 2, 3 or 4 years (depending on the requirements of the particular school)

  • School registration form

  • Teacher recommendations (foreign language, math, and classroom teacher) Director's recommendation may be required

  • Tests to determine level of knowledge in certain subjects (math, language, and other subjects)

  • Interviews with school staff (in person or via Skype)

  • Portfolio (diplomas, awards, personal achievements)

  • Letter of motivation

  • Passport size photo 

  • Medical certificate regarding the child's health condition, excerpts of vaccinations

As a rule, all schools have a public domain sample application that must be completed (without missing anything) and sent on time, with a package of documents. Educational institutions have clear rules and certain deadlines that must be met.

Cost of studying in the USA

The United States has a large number of schools and universities where prospective students are lining up. Studying in the United States is more than just knowledge. Here, they educate future leaders who know how to work and achieve goals.

The ability to present themselves and defend their views, an active stance in life, versatile hobbies - these are the main characteristics of graduates of American schools and universities.

Of course, you need to invest in a quality education. Studying at a prestigious U.S. boarding school will cost about $70,000, while at a regular school it will cost between $20,000 and $55,000.

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